Victor Puleo, Jr., Ph.D., CIC, CFP

Dr. Victor Puleo is the Davey Chair of Risk Management and Insurance in the Lacy School of Business at Butler University, Indianapolis, IN.  He earned a doctorate degree in risk management and insurance at Florida State University.  Dr. Puleo has articles published in the Journal of Insurance Issues, Risk Management and Insurance Review, Managerial Finance, and Best’s Review.

The Davey Risk Management and Insurance Program at Butler University equips students with a variety of experiential education – including two required for-credit internships.  Butler University’s College of Business is the top-ranked business school in the country for internships according to Bloomberg Businessweek’s rankings.  Highlights of the Davey Risk Management and Insurance Program include the first-of-its-kind student-run captive insurance company, lifelong career mentors, two required for-credit internships, student attendance at national and regional industry events, classroom case studies, and an elite chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma – the international collegiate insurance, risk management and actuarial student fraternity.

Dr. Puleo is a Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and Certified Financial Planner & Certificant.  He is an Educational Consultant (1994) and National Faculty Member (2008) for the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors.  Dr. Puleo is a past member of the Board of Directors and Chair of The National Alliance Research Academy.

Prior to being named the Davey Chair of Risk Management and Insurance, Dr. Puleo was an Associate Professor of Insurance and Risk Management at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA), Conway, AR.  The insurance and risk management undergraduate degree program at UCA is nationally ranked.  Students from UCA were the first in the country to be conferred the University Associate Certified Insurance Counselor (UACIC) designation.  The UACIC designation was created to give college students pursuing an insurance and risk management undergraduate degree the opportunity to attain a new level of professionalism through advanced practical education while in college.  This designation is a program of the National Alliance Research Academy.

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