Uncover a Business’s Environmental Footprint


An effective environmental management strategy begins with an evaluation of environmental efficiency. This evaluation identifies the various direct and indirect environmental issues that impact a business. Even though it does not attempt to meet specific governmental standards or due diligence models, it uncovers a business’s environmental footprint and defines a starting point for measuring sustainable progress and benefits. Completing this evaluation gives businesses more control over minimizing risk and driving growth. 

In today’s business environment, an environmental efficiency evaluation is also part of the foundation to build these ESG initiatives.  Prior to starting the evaluation, consider the following questions.

Foundational Questions

What’s coming in your front door?   

  • Knowing who business partners and customers are is a critical first step. Since there are possibilities for indirect environmental liabilities, businesses must assess any raw materials, supplies, vendors, and other individuals they interact with regularly. Is a strategy in place for when an environmental loss impedes the ability to deliver goods and services? Can vendors have negative environmental impacts upon the business?   

What’s going on inside corporate walls?    

  • If a business stores, handles, or treats raw materials, supplies, or waste, they may be subject to environmental laws or regulations. This also extends to any vendor services being performed within corporate walls.   

What’s going out the back door?   

  • Equally as critical is the need to evaluate finished products, equipment, services, recyclables, waste materials, and vendor services that businesses deliver.     

Who are the business’s neighbors?  

  • Even businesses that actively execute an environmental management strategy may still experience indirect environmental impacts from neighbors. Businesses wanting to avoid this should be aware of who their neighbors are and what potential environmental liabilities they may create.  

Do you want to take this evaluation further and help clients develop an environmental strategy?

The Certified Environmental Strategist (CeS) program teaches you how to advise clients on environmental risk management and transfer. The self-paced course prepares professionals to ensure their clients competitiveness, environmental stewardship, and risk management. The CeS course benefits insurance agents, attorneys, bankers, accountants, realtors, and business owners. 

Environmental Efficiency
Evaluation (eee) Survey

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The 7 Steps of Developing & Executing an Environmental Management Strategy (eMS)

You can’t be in business without being impacted by environmental issues, exposures, liabilities, investments. But you can use them as a competitive advantage. In order to minimize risk, maximize value and optimize performance while driving your growth and profits, follow the seven steps outlined in this article to discover your business’s environmental footprint and develop your Environmental Management Strategy.   

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