The National Alliance Launches Virtual Reality Experience in Risk Management Program


The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research proudly announces the first phase of virtual reality experiences within their acclaimed insurance and risk management courses. Unveiled at their recent Culture & Values conference—which focused on the organizational value of innovationattendees of the internal conference participated in a preview of a Builders Risk VR experience. 

As a long-time provider of insurance and risk management education, the National Alliance plans to expand their practical and technical insurance and risk management courses with more VR elements that enhance learning, retention, and participant engagement. Experiential learning is a top priority as the organization strives to give insurance and risk management professionals more engaging professional development opportunities that motivate them while having fun.

President and CEO Will Hold shared this about the new VR experience:

After some innovation and imagination The National Alliance was able to launch and prototype a Virtual Realty experience in our CRM Principles of Risk Management course. We are excited about technology that allows us to develop more experiential learning opportunities for our designees and participants.

Set up as a coverage learning challenge, a user navigated through a virtual site to identify which “clickable” assets in the game environment were covered or not covered under a typical Builders’ Risk policy. When the user clicked on assets like cranes, temporary fencing, or piles of bricks, they were prompted to identify if they were typically covered under a Builders’ Risk policy. Depending on the user’s choices, assets would glow green or red and either increased or decreased the learner’s score.

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