Join Mitch Dunford as he talks with Insurance Marketing & Communications Association (IMCA) board members Peter van Aartrijk, CIC, and Amy Hourigan, and Channel Harvest Research Director, Kevin Jenne.
In this episode, our guests discuss the 2021 State of Insurance Marketing Research study released by the IMCA, sponsored by Applied Systems, and conducted by Channel Harvest Research.
Discussion topics include:
- How insurance marketers listen to and communicate with customers
- How marketing department leadership is allocating financial resources
- Current skill gaps inside marketing teams
- How marketers measure success
- How COVID-19 has impacted marketing strategies
For information on joining IMCA, visit

Peter van Aartrijk, CIC
Peter van Aartrijk (“R-trike,” as in “bike”) is the founder of Fairfax, VA-based insurance marketing-communications firm Aartrijk. He started his career as a newspaper reporter, where he learned how to question the status quo. He has worked with insurance carriers, agents, brokers, and related industry business partners for decades. Peter and his Aartrijk associates support insurance organizations seeking to innovate and create a new employee and customer brand experience.

Amy Hourigan
Amy Hourigan is the director of marketing and communications at HAI Group, a carrier that specializes in providing insurance, risk management services, and professional development training to the U.S. multifamily affordable housing industry. A 25-year marketing veteran with both agency- and client-side experience, Amy serves on the board of the IMCA and is the former co-chair of the organization’s promotions and communications committee.

Kevin Jenné
Kevin Jenné is the research director for Channel Harvest Research and Aartrijk. He has previously led research and insights teams at Liberty Mutual/Safeco Insurance and Washington Mutual Bank. He holds the Insights Professional Certification (Master level) from the Insights Association. Reach him at