Gone Fishin’

Picture of Sharla Floyd

Sharla Floyd

In addition to leading the Academy’s research efforts, Sharla develops strategies for the industry to connect with and fund the future of talent.

How did insurance hook you? What was the pivotal moment when you knew you could see yourself in this industry? What got you excited? Who opened the door?

What if that hook hadn’t happened?

We often hear how bright the future is (and it is!), but in an industry that faces a dire need for talent due to both innovation and an entire generation on the brink of retirement, how are we connecting with the rising generation to point them toward this future – toward a future in insurance?

The Academy’s Emerging Talent programs, which connect with high school and college students, are designed to do precisely this, and they hinge on effective industry engagement. Providing industry knowledge, the opportunity to earn a designation, and – critically – a chance to experience insurance in action first-hand – are proven steps to motivate students to continue their education or prepares them for immediate employment 

As we approach Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday, and the spirit of giving back, we are grateful for what we have and for who and what got us to where we are. Take a moment to consider the path you have forged and how you can support those who are coming in after you!

Joining the Emerging Talent Partners Program, showing up for students in the classroom, offering an in-person or virtual internship – no hook is too large or small, the point is the hook, and with that, our students are thriving

Hear how teachers have witnessed the transformation of our Emerging Talent programs:

The beauty of a relationship-based industry is that YOU are the hook!

Help to hook the rising generation by supporting our Emerging Talent programs today.

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