Dubiski Career High School in Grand Prairie, TX is a shining example of schools across the country delivering the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance’s CISR High School Program to students to gain in-depth knowledge in a highly technical field and to develop the future insurance workforce now by converting student interest into enduring careers.
Hear from participating students and their teacher about the impact that exposure, technical training, and internship immersion opportunities have on future career pathways.
The Program not only allows students to earn the nationally recognized CISR designation, it hinges on industry engagement and work-based learning and internships, as the students here describe.
As we continue Insurance Careers Month, let’s continue supporting initiatives that empower and equip the next generation. Learn how to implement the CISR High School Program locally by reaching out today!
Here’s to a future filled with skilled, knowledgeable, and passionate professionals in the insurance sector!
Mineola High School Offers CISR High School Program
On Friday, February 9, juniors at Mineola High School were introduced to the CISR High School Program, launching as a course offering at Mineola in the Fall of 2024, allowing students to gain insights into the industry and earn a nationally recognized designation. Spearheading the start of the program at Mineola are Rodney Watkins with IAAT and LeTesha Wheeler with Safeco. We salute these industry leaders as they work diligently to pave the way for the next generation of insurance professionals. Their commitment to education and fostering talent is commendable and exemplifies the collaborative spirit needed to nurture the future of our industry.
As we continue Insurance Careers Month, let’s continue supporting initiatives that empower and equip the next generation. Learn how to implement the CISR High School Program locally by reaching out today!
Here’s to a future filled with skilled, knowledgeable, and passionate professionals in the insurance sector!
AM BEST TV: National Alliance's Codispoti: Engaging the Next Generation Takes Persistence
Noelle Codispoti, head of the academy and director of Emerging Talent Programs, National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, said students should be introduced to insurance and risk management early in their learning.

Laredo ISD Students Earn CISR Designation, Start Internships with IBC Insurance Agency
Seven Laredo Independent School District students earned the Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) designation in January through an innovative high school program. Administered by The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, the CISR High School Program provided the students with the opportunity to earn the nationally recognized insurance designation before graduation. The program equips students with vital pre-career exposure and technical industry training, providing them with a significant advantage as they enter the workforce.
AM BEST TV: National Alliance's Codispoti: Insurance Talent Pipeline Must Start at High School

Noelle Codispoti Hired as CISR High School Program Director to Lead National Growth & Student Engagement
The National Alliance of Insurance Education & Research welcomes Noelle Codispoti, CPCU, ARM as Director of the CISR High School Program. The Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) High School Program allows students to earn a nationally recognized industry designation before they graduate, equipping them with vital pre-career exposure and technical industry training and providing a significant advantage as they enter the workforce.

National Alliance Brings CISR High School Program to Laredo School District Thanks to 2022 Spencer Educational Foundation Grant
The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research is a proud recipient of a 2022 Spencer Educational Foundation grant to support and expand the Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) High School Program (HSP). The HSP is a growing initiative that anticipates the industry’s evolving talent needs through comprehensive student exposure and education, growing and diversifying the talent pipeline at the earliest juncture. Specifically, the grant provides first-year funding for three new schools in Laredo, Texas, and one in Perry Township, Indiana.

Visit booth #410 to learn about a fun high school insurance CTE Program!
Students earn the prestigious CISR credential to help them secure thriving careers.

Three Amazing High School Graduates Earn the CISR Designation
Mitch Dunford talks with Wilson Talent Center graduates Becca Burch, CISR, Jordan Fritz, CISR, and Tony Casali, CISR.
Becca, Jordan, and Tony earned the National Alliance CISR Designation during their senior year in High School and have been putting it to good use. Tune in to hear this amazing group of young professionals share their experience and future plans for a thriving career in Insurance and Risk Management.

CISR High School Program at the ACTE Innovation & BEst Practices Conference
Tasha Sheehan & Russell VanHoose at the Austin, Texas ACTE Innovation & Best Practices Conference.

CISR High School Program at the Career & Technical Summer Conferences
We are excited to announce that we will be attending the CTAT Live Summer Conference in Fort Worth as an exhibitor! Come see us at booth 410 from July 26-29.
During the same week, we will be taking part in Alabama’s Association for Career & Technical Education Virtual Professional Development Conference.
Hope to see you there!
CISR HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM Featured on Education unfiltered Podcast
In this episode of Education Unfiltered, host Mary Stucko is joined by Tasha Sheehan & Russell Van Hoose to talk about the CISR High School Program and all it has to offer students in school districts across the United States!

First Student in the Nation to pass the CISR High School - Commercial Casualty Exam (IBC).
Congratulations to Allison Hills for a remarkable accomplishment on being the first high school student to pass the CISR Commercial Casualty Certification Exam!

The National Alliance CISR (Certified Insurance Service Representatives) High School Program Expands into Birmingham School System- Press Release
The National Alliance today announces the expansion of the CISR High School Program into seven high schools in Birmingham, Alabama. The program was approved for accreditation with the Alabama Department of Education as a new Career and Technical Education Insurance Program of Study which helps students earn an insurance designation and an industry-based certification upon graduation.

“The CISR HS Program has taken my 19 high school students to a level that was unimaginable this year. They are committed, have a sense of purpose and pride, and are pushing themselves to expert levels! The curriculum is robust, organized, and packaged nicely in the learning management system. I promise, you don’t need to be an expert to deliver this… just passionate and willing to create the most amazing opportunity for your students. National Alliance is helping to position future talent for success! They have embarked on a journey that is immeasurable, and have helped open the door for career opportunities. Five of my senior students students have recently landed a job in an agency since starting the CISR HS program. In the midst of the challenges of 2020-2021, this has certainly been the sunshine in our world!”

CISR High School Program- Student Video

CISR High school program Q&A- Wilson talent center
Our first Certified Insurance Service Representative passer in the area of Personal Auto was Ms. Becca Burch from the Wilson Talent Center in Ingham County Michigan, Becca is a senior at the WTC in Mason Michigan and amazingly completed and passed her CISR Industry Based Certification (IBC) exam in under an hour. Ms. Burch has subsequently decided to major in Insurance and Risk Management in college and plans a lifelong career in the industry. Listen to Becca and her instructor, Monique Colizzi discuss how the CISR High School Program is changing students lives!
Studio 10 News spotlight

We have a World Record winner at the WTC! Congratulations to Becca Burch, a senior from Mason High School.
Becca is a second year student in our Business & Risk Management program. Our second year students are attempting to earn their Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) designation by completing five classes and taking five exams. They recently took their Personal Auto certification exam, which allots one hour and thirty minutes to complete, and Becca finished in 30 minutes and PASSED! According to the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research who administers the exams, this is a WORLD RECORD completion time for a high school student to complete and pass this exam! Congratulations, Becca!
We also want to congratulate the other seven second-year Business & Risk Management students that passed the exam. What an accomplishment for these high school students:
Maddie Mays: Danville HS
Alli Hills: Dansville HS
Adia Smith: East Lansing HS
Jupiter Charles: Holt HS
Tony Casali: Mason HS
Taviana Shakoor: Waverly HS
Jordan Fritz: Waverly HS
The CISR high school program is new this year. It was piloted last year at a district in Texas. There are currently 7 other districts across the nation participating. The WTC students are the first in the nation to make it through the Personal Auto portion.
Lastly, we must congratulate Business & Risk Management instructor, Monique Colizzi on the success of her students! #InghamImpact
Host Mitch Dunford with the Nat Now podcast hosts CISR High School Director Tasha Sheehan and Academic Adviser and CISR HS Industry Partner Liason Bob Rogers to discuss the CISR High School Program and all of the opportunities it provides for up and coming talent in the high school setting. Take a listen, there are so many avenues to excellence that we discuss and encourage districts to facilitate for their Career & Technical Education students!

BRIDGING THE CSR TALENT GAP- Featured RoughNotes article

CISR High school program overview video
The CISR High School program equips students with industry training so they can analyze insurance risks, policies, forms, and claims data, giving them a significant advantage before entering the workforce.

Introducing The National Alliance’s CISR High School Program. High school students are the future of the insurance industry and with our help they will learn how to be successful in whatever the choose.