This Study Guide has been prepared to enhance your learning experience. It contains all of the Check-In questions, Knowledge Checks, and Self-Quizzes contained within the course, along with an Answer Key and Glossary. Use it as a tool to help practice and assess your knowledge of the course material, but do not mistake it for a comprehensive “short-cut” to preparing for the final exam.
Be sure to take a look at the section, “Appendix,” that follows the Answer Key in this Study Guide. It contains valuable suggestions for test preparation and study techniques, as well as some sample exam questions and a glossary of terms.
Your path to success in passing the final exam will come from your attentiveness during the course and the effort you put into preparation.
Study Set
Use this study set to review digital flashcards and play interactive vocabulary games for the insurance and risk management terms found in the glossary of this course!

Review Game
Use this trivia-style review game to test your knowledge prior to taking the final exam for this course!