30-Year Designation Anniversaries

Happy anniversary to the 684 Designees celebrating 30 years of commitment to excellence and lifelong learning!
Full NameCompanyState
Beth Neubacher, CIC MI
Carl J. Murano, CICNFP Corp.CT
Don G. Busing, CICLanier Upshaw, Inc.FL
Sharon L. Pollis, CICBB&T InsuranceTN
Daniel Lee Lamar, CICIN
Pamela Bennett Martin, CICIN
Cheryl A. Brogna, CICMA
Louis Raymond Poirier, CICMA
Charles F. Rourke, CICEstabrook & Chamberlain Insurance AgencyMA
Thomas E. Andrews, CICMD
Eugene Francis McCarthy, Jr, CIC, CRMBlue Ridge Risk PartnersMD
Kathleen E. Miller, CIC MD
Deirdre Perry, CIC, CRMMarsh McLennan Agency- Mid-Atlantic RegionVA
Amy Lee Bivins, CICGlenn Morris & AssociatesMI
John J. Klebba, CICMI
Sharon Thorne, CICAllstate Insurance CompanyNH
Michael R Boggio, CICAcrisure, LLCNJ
Lloyd D. Humphrey, CICInsurance Office of America (IOA)NJ
Mary Ann McMahon, CICConover Beyer Associates InsuranceNJ
John Eric Sames, CICEdgewood Partners Insurance CenterNJ
Richard V. Tucker, CICJ.A. Mariano AgencyNJ
Katherine Paul Hildebrand, CICOH
Connie S. Kuhns, CICHuntington InsuranceOH
John Maynard Roberts, CICAcrisure, LLCMI
Donald Scott Kerr, CICPA
Kenneth A. Martin, CICPA
Debra L. Stoltzfus, CIC, CISRMurray Insurance Associates, Inc.PA
JoCarol Zuber, CICPA
Margaret M. Longolucco, CICRI
David Christian Hakeem, CICF.J. Dietrich & Co Insurance ServicesCA
Robyn Leslie Kettering, CIC, CRMKettering Rose Insurance Agents & BrokersCA
Nancy E. Them, CICOH
Diane Sommer, CIC, CRMRetired from The Sheffield GroupCA
Susan Joy Murdoch, CICAlliant Insurance ServicesCA
Alma Elane* Norman, CICNFP Corp.AZ
Daniel Martin Corbin, CICPIA Management Services, Inc.NY
Kathy J Warson, CICHays CompaniesFL
Robert J. Denzel, CICThe Reilly CompanyKS
Sarah Beth Owens, CICMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionKS
James Michael Hay, CICNV
Randall Webb, CICRich & Cartmill Insurance AgencyOK
Jim Drew, CIC, CRMBowen, Miclette & Britt Insurance Agency, LLC
Jeff Jacobson, CICTX
James Rogers, III, CIC, CRMRetired from USICO
Sanford Warren Smith, CICMarsh McLennan Agency – CorporateTX
Walter H. Steigerwald, CICTX
Pamela M. Scofield, CICMarsh & McLennan Agency, LLCTX
Roxanne R. Bailey, CICMcGriff Insurance Services, LLC – BirminghamAL
James Day Thornton, CICMarsh McLennan Agency- Southeast RegionAL
Patrick J. Costello, CICCostello Insurance Associates, Inc.AZ
Sheila Brock, CICGA
Louis Allan Reynolds, Jr., CICSterling Seacrest Pritchard, Inc.GA
Kathy Robinson, CIC, CISRIA
Nels Don Solberg, CIC ID
Cheryl A. DeSmidt, CICHUB International Limited – RedlandsIL
Robin J. Duncan, CICIL
Julie R. Cain, CICMN
Shirley A. DiMassi, CICNorth Risk PartnersMN
Michael Allan Sweere, CICMN
Michael S. Miller, CICRenasant InsuranceMS
Charlotte W. Boren, CICSutter, McLellan & Gilbreath, Inc.MS
Kathleen H. Klett, CICSelective Insurance- Northeast RegionNC
Gail T. Belvin, CICAF GroupNC
Leonard Eugene Robbins, CICNC
Charles Robertson Skinner, CICNC
Ann Marie Watson, CICNationwide Mutual Insurance CompanyIA
Robert D. Golden, CICGolden Insurance Agency PCNM
Karen Gay Buell, CICGreat Basin InsuranceOR
Cheryl Justin, CICNV
Jose D. Soto, CICSoto Pacheco & Associates, Inc.PR
Tina N. Lathum, CIC, CRMHigginbotham 66 – TN Memphis (Lipscomb & Pitts)TN
Frank Long, CIC, CRMBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateTN
Elaine A. Presley, CIC, CRMKemmons Wilson Insurance GroupTN
Pamela L. Baker, CIC, CISRMarengo InsuranceAL
Sheila A. Everette, CIC, CISRWillis Personal Lines, LLCAL
Donna M. Williams, CIC, CISRMarengo InsuranceAL
Sherry Ann Taylor, CIC, CRM, CISRWR BerkleyWI
Vickie D. Beck, CIC, CISRKS
Beverly Jo Baumy, CIC, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency – CorporateLA
Sharon L. Labay, CICMA
Cynthia Marie Lively, CIC, CISRGA
Tracey Kuklewicz, CICMA
Tracy Lee McConnell, CIC, CRM, CISRFBInsureMA
Darlene A. Tebaldi, CIC, CISR Phillips Insurance Agency, Inc.MA
Amy Krasias, CICMD
Paul T. Furth, CICFurth-Meile Insurance, Inc.MN
Colleen M. Johnson, CIC, CRM, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionMN
Ruth M. Sparks, CIC, CISRHolmes Murphy & AssociatesMN
Pamela Sanders, CIC, CISRMS
Diana Lynn Bentley, CICAon PLCNC
Charles C. Gladwell, II, CICGladwell Insurance Agency, Inc.NC
Jennifer Taylor, CIC, CRM, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Mid-Atlantic RegionNC
Debra Bailey, CIC, CISRWallace Welch & WillinghamFL
Katherine A. Leiferman, CIC, CISRPhiladelphia Insurance CompanyOK
Tammy W. Jones, CIC, CISRCentral Insurers Group, Inc.PA
Connie R. Menio, CIC, CISRPA
Michelle A Soares, CIC, CISRBuilders Mutual Insurance CompanyMA
Brenda A. Campbell, CICTX
Dianne Blanchette, CIC, CISRThe Dowd AgenciesMA
Donna Bagley, CIC, CISRBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateOK
Debra Burrows, CIC, CISRHolmes Murphy & AssociatesIA
Albert Salvador Pappalardo, CICLA
Karen Stephens, CICAssuredPartnersMO
David Mauer, Jr., CICVillage Insurance AgencyTX
Cheryl A. LoCascio, CIC, CISRMcDowell AssociatesPA
Douglas B. Graves, CICIL
Larry J. Jendusa, CICWI
Matthew Leo Derrenberger, CIC MI
Glen Carlson, CICMcGriff Insurance Services, LLC – San AntonioCA
Steven Leistiko, CICRoss Nesbit AgenciesMN
Craig R. Palan, CICMN
Andrew James Drobiak, CICByrnes Agency, Inc.CT
Vincent M Higuera, CICMountainOne InsuranceMA
Gregory M. Rebman, CICMO
Karleen Vargo, CICHays CompaniesWI
Barbara Ann Snyder, CIC, CISRBernard C. Morrissey Insurance, Inc.PA
Kimberly K. Kroesche, CIC, CRMAon PLCTX
Amy L. Moses, CICWagner Insurance AgencyOH
Tom R. Uher, CICOH
Richard David Carrico, CICMI
William E. McNichol, CICPA
Steven Edward Joyce, CICAssuredPartnersMA
William W. Cochran-Bray, CIC, CRM Central InsureCA
Therese Marie Dumer, CICAL
Leigh Ann Trovato, CIC CA
Michael Paul Garner, CICThe Insurance MarketMN
Blake Adams Patterson, CIC, CRMIntegrated Solutions, Inc.MD
Maureen P. Scholz, CICArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateVA
Erling Riis, CIC, CISRHigginbotham 74 – AL Mobile (Lyon Fry Cadden)AL
David B. Lande, CICEdgewood Partners Insurance CenterAZ
Kathleen Finley, CIC, CISRBOK Financial Insurance, Inc.CO
Terri Acosta, CICMcGriff Insurance Services LLC. – GreensboroGA
William D. Thompson, CICManchester Specialty ProgramsVt
Steven A. Clark, CICPA
Robert Edward Wallace, CICPA
Glynis Anne Lemelin, CICMA
Catherine Harris, CICLeavitt Group Enterprises, Inc.NM
Robin G. Straub, CICPA
Margarita Lugo Agudo, CICM. LUGO LLCPR
Daniel W. Hunter, CICRETIREDOH
Julie Christine Campbell, CICAZ
Jonathan Persky, CICOptimum Performance Solutions, LLCFL
David Wulff, CIC, CRMAcuity InsuranceWI
Barbara Ridge, CICRidge Insurance Agency, Inc.NJ
Kevin Judish, CICMSC InsuranceTN
Larry E. Hoak, CICHoak Insurance ServicesPA
Susan M. Karlen, CICAcrisure, LLCFL
Cynthia Ann Harrington, CICHUB International Limited – RedlandsMA
Richard Barry Millham, Jr, CICMillham CompaniesPA
Pamela Jolly Preston, CIC, CRMINSURICA – CorporateOK
Maria Ann Nixon, CICMA
Ted William Hodge, CICVA
Cynthia Holt, CIC, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services LLC. – GreensboroFL
William Matthew Darcey, CICProvider GroupMA
Deborah Miller, CICFremont Insurance
Steve Meredith, CICRETIREDMN
Steven W. Whitlock,, CIC, CRMAssuredPartners AerospaceTX
Patricia Guillory Lagrange, CIC, CISRFL
Wendy Kay Winberg, CIC, CRM UT
Dean R. Rubino, CICRetired 10/30/23DE
Philip J. Togno, CICPA
Jane Marie Marshall, CIC, CISRHUB International Limited – RedlandsAK
John W. Lasher, CICAugusta Mutual Insurance CompanyVA
Troy A. Markel, CIC, CRMPA
David L. Ray, CICMA
Barbara J. Galgiani, CIC, CRMLP Insurance ServicesCA
Ruth Elizabeth Miller, CICRETIREDCA
Susan E. Summar, CICForemostTN
Christopher W. Call, CICMountcastle InsuranceNC
Mark A. Palinkas, CICOswego Count Mutual Insurance CompanyNY
Christine A. Heribacka, CICMazzali Insurance AgencyMI
Cynthia L. Scheiern, CICMI
Jeffrey M. Smith, CICTML-IRPNC
David F. Bond, CICSelective Insurance- Northeast RegionPA
David A. Lee, CICAmerican Church Group – IndianaWA
Linda D. Castle, CICMD
Diane L. Mack-Berk, CICRisk StrategiesFL
Debbie Lee Roeder, CICMJ InsuranceIN
Timothy Wayne Carter, CICGrange InsuranceKY
Lynn Diane Nelson, CICMaguire AgencyMN
Janice Dovidio, CICAssuredPartnersFL
Kathy C. Delp, CIC, CISRUnivestPA
Paul Frankenbach, CICFirst State Insurance AgencyMO
Nancy L. Ragains, CIC, CRM, CSRMMO
Cynthia Smith Scheipers, CICNC
Marla Watkins, CICISU Lovering Insurance ServicesCA
John Raymond Whitman, CICWhitman Insurance AgencyTX
Steve A. Horn, CICMN
Paul M. Mack, CIC, CRMAssuredPartnersFL
Brenda C. Mainer, CICRETIREDVt
Cynthia J. Cronin, CICEarly Cassidy & SchillingMD
Christopher A. Taylor, CICFarmersGA
Gary J. Yager, CICAffinity Marketing Plus, Inc.FL
Brett Lee Waters, CIC, CRMMarsh McLennan Agency- Mid-Atlantic RegionFL
Joan Carol Bennett, CIC, CRMJames P Bennett & CompanyCA
Thomas J. Giblin, CICWagner Insurance AgencyPA
Angel D. Lightcap-Grisez, CICAmwins, Inc.OH
James L. Leigh, CICUT
Amy Petro, CICNY
David Horton, CICMarshall & SterlingNY
Michael J. McDermott, CIC, CRMNY
Scott J. Wink, CICDimond bros Insurance, LLCWI
Charles F. Robinson, CICFL
Laura L. Pettit, CICCrawford & CompanyCO
Robert Dana Rucker, CICFirst Citizens Insurance ServicesNC
Debbie J. Beyer, CIC, CISRAcuity InsuranceWV
Robin B. Mackey, CIC, CISRMS
Scott G. Freeman, CICGreenState Insurance Services LLCIA
Richard J. Dyer, CICThe Selzer CompanyPA
Lisa Savant, CICHUB International Limited – Redlands
Raymond Joseph Posecai, CICMarsh McLennan Agency – CorporateLA
Deana Drake Hauck, CICHigginbotham 114 – KY Louisville (Underwriters)KY
Denise Newman, CICAssuredPartners AgribusinessFL
Donald Boland, CICCO
Thomas Francis Zapcic, CICHeritage Benefits Group, LLCNJ
Kendra A. Biddle, CICMarsh McLennan Agency- Mid-Atlantic RegionNC
Michael H. Williams, CICWilliams Insurance Services LtdOH
Paul Fazio, CIC, CRM IL
Kelly Phillip Bowe, CICBremer Financial CorporationMN
Janelle M. Darling, CIC, CISRUSI Insurance Services (HQ)MN
Konnie Keaschall-KIser, CIC, CISRBurns & Wilcox, LtdAZ
Debra Morgan Huang, CICCNATX
Deborah M. Hopkins, CICLiberty Insurance AgencyPA
Ronald L. McKissick, CICPA
Ray A. Robertson, CIC, CISRKY
Kathryn A. Kochenower, CIC, CRMLIC – IIA of NebraskaNE
Ronnie L. Hardesty, CICIN
Steven R. Cevaal, CICIL
Vicky L. Jarvis, CIC, CISRTedford & Associates LLCOK
Teresa W. West, CICHUB International Limited – RedlandsSC
Clark R. Griep, CICCO
Candace Hughes Stiff, CIC, CRM, CISRWillis Towers Watson (North America HQ- Retail)AL
Albert Moss, CICWalkerHughes InsuranceIN
Scott A. Dennis, CICWheelers Insurance AgencyME
Suetta M. Bartley, CICAssuredPartnersIN
Nevin Dourte, CICPA
Jill Haynes Gidge, CIC, CISRInsure-EdNH
Roger Scott Flynt, CIC, CRMFL
Gordon J Blumberg, CICMarsh McLennan Agency – CorporateNY
Tracy Wong, CICInsurance Solutions LLCHI
Daniel Edward Easter, CICWI
Denis P. Bilodeau, CICHood Hargett & AssociatesNC
John William Lyman, CICMarsh McLennan Agency- Southeast RegionTN
Pamela C. Davis, CIC TN
Sonny R. Shackelford, CICSunstar Insurance GroupTN
Jane Marie Damon, CICThe Plexus GroupeTX
Laurel Kerman, CICWorld Insurance Associates LLCNY
Barbara Ann Elsasser, CICBuckner CompanyCO
Collett Caroline Sizoo, CICHotchkiss Insurance Agency, LLC – DallasCA
Marc L. Archambault, CICCT
Lori A. Sandlin, CIC, CRMTN
Leo J. Heintz, CICErie Indemnity CompanyPA
Donna M Allard-Flett, CICWTWME
Carol A. Quaif, CICGA
Bradley Frank Whittaker, CICDimond Bros. InsuranceIL
Richard C. Traina, CICTraina & Traina Ins. Agency, Inc.MA
Carl Richardson, CICKnight Insurance GroupOH
Thomas G. Crowel, CICIN
Devin E. Blazier, CIC, CRMAlliant Insurance ServicesNJ
Dean E. Gettelfinger, CICIN
Andre Hebert Fourrier, CICLA
Lori Carpenter Swindell, CICLori Swindell Insurance AgencyFL
Dale Bestul, CICCommunity Insurance Center LtdWI
Michael H. Gale, CICThe Buckner CompanyUT
Doreen M. Ertell, CIC, CISR NV
Michael J. Weickert, CICUIS Insurance & InvestmentsOH
Christine M. Colonna, CICTompkins Financial CorporationPA
Beth A. Winter-McGarry, CICMurray Insurance Associates, Inc.PA
Tammy Senn Sloan, CICF M Sloan Associates IncNC
Tammie Grisso D’Allura, CICTammie D’Allura Insurance Educators, LLCNC
John W. Harper, CIC, CRMMarshall & SterlingVI
Robert Joseph Morris, Jr., CIC, CRMZurich American Insurance CompanyGA
Robert C. Snyder, II, CICRobert Snyder AgencyPA
Thomas R. Schaefer, CICSchaefer Agency IncWI
James Michael Nadon, CICMountain West Insurance and Financial Services LLCCO
Cheryl Hoak, CICThe Hanover Insurance CompanyNH
Caroline R. Stauers, CICCentral InsuranceSC
Stephen J. Gaffney, CICAlliant Insurance ServicesMS
John H. Boeke, CICOH
Steven L. Doss, CIC, CRMCCIGCO
Kari Janzen, CICUnited Agencies, Inc.CA
Stephen W. Squeglia, CICInsurance Management CompanyPA
Scott Lange, CIC, CRMSentry InsuranceWI
Richard J. DeMartis, CICFL
Thad Phillips, CICWestern Valley InsuranceCA
Tracy D. McKinney, CICKY
Robin Paschall, CICUSI Insurance Services (HQ)MO
Steven Todd Arbegast, CICAcrisure, LLCPA
Mary K. Prenger, CIC, CRMHigginbotham 95 – OH Sidney (Community)OH
Robert Edward Smith, CICN/AOH
Sheryl Lynn Hayko, CICWillis Towers Watson (North America HQ- Retail)AZ
Thomas Joseph Murphy, CICVA
Jeffrey F Mullaly, CIC, CSRMPMA CompaniesPA
David Sell, CIC, CISRChris Leef General AgencyNM
Kirt David Hartman, CIC, CISRHartwig Moss Insurance AgencyLA
Pamela Lynch Geraci, CICIULLA
Joan Boss, CICMI
Dennis G. Guernsey, CICFord Insurance Agency, Inc.MI
Robin Lee Hogan, CICMI
Suzanne Malloy Zaleski, CICCT
Susan L. Wood, CIC, CRMBarker Phillips Jackson – SpringfieldMO
Crystal B. Baer, CICFCCI Insurance GroupLA
Mary  Catherine Oliver, CICBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateAR
Michael S. Richmond, CICRichmond AgencyMI
Lisa Speights, CIC, CRMAtlas Insurance AgencyFL
Scott M. Kozak, CICDeForest Group, Inc.NY
Kelly E. Goins, CICUnited Fire GroupLA
Samuel G. McClellan, CIC, CRMCrum & ForsterNJ
Nathan Lee Keys, CIC, CRMUtica Mutual Insurance CompanyVA
Irene G. Fick, CICUSI Insurance Services (HQ)VA
Lori M. Weber, CIC, CRMOH
Ruth M. Matsuyoshi, CICBusiness Insurance Services, Inc.HI
Michael G. O’Brien, CIC, CRMMA
Sheryl D. Corley, CICFL
Corrine S. Sternberg, CICSmith Brothers Insurance, LLCCT
Sonya A. Botelho-Chun, CICAtlas Insurance Co.HI
Ronda E. Serafin, CIC, CRMWillis Towers Watson (North America HQ- Retail)PA
Timothy Lee O’Bryan, CICAcrisure, LLCVA
Kimberly R Vaughn, CICBD Corwin Agency Inc.NY
Bob A. Jackson, CICFL
Laurie W. Sylvester, CICAcrisure LLC,TN
James F. Martin, CIC, CRMAXIS CapitalGA
Scott W. Robinson, CICThe HartfordOH
Karen Watts, CIC, CRM, CSRMLiberty MutualOH
Michael A. Clavin, CIC, CRMAscensionMO
Patricia L. Gordon, CICArcadian Risk ManagersSC
Mary D. Hearron, CICLP Insurance ServicesNV
John S. Avery, CICHUB International Limited – ChicagoMI
Thomas G. Carlson, CICMI
David M. Palmisano, CICAcrisure, LLCMI
James E. Brett, CICBrett Insurance Agency, Inc.PA
Evelyn DeLaurentis, CICNJ
Edward J. Maloy, CICNY
Elizabeth Dunn, CICAmwins, Inc.TX
Lisa A. Bergmann, CICClark-Mortenson Agency/HIlb GroupNH
Lourinda Foster, CICvisaTX
Robert F. Motley, CICInsurance Office of America (IOA)SC
John D Seagraves, CIC, CRMBeecher CarlsonNC
David Ross Hinton, CIC, CRMUnion Standard Insurance GroupTX
Karen Graham, CIC, CRM CO
Yvonne Gambino, CIC, CRMGambino & Wasson InsuranceCA
Catherine Watkins Olmert, CICWatkins Insurance Agency, Inc. – South HillVA
Katherine Lord Keshavan, CIC, CRMUtica Mutual Insurance CompanyVt
John G. Seminary, CICFerneding InsuranceOH
Angelo T. Ganguzza, CICPennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance CompanyPA
Anson Ross Thompson, CIC, CRMAcrisure, LLCIN
Rambhai K. Patel, CICFL
Howard B. Thorp, CICThorp & Trainer InsuranceRI
Peggy V. McCrory, CICArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateMS
Edward Prescott Engle, CICHilb GroupVA
Andrew J. Martin, Jr., CICJones Grimes Long & Snider dba Insurance Associates, Inc.KY
Foster Scott Burke, CICAllstate Insurance CompanyNJ
Steven Garber, CICNY
Daniel Kay, CICdan kay insuranceTX
John M. Norcia, CICAllstate Insurance CompanyRI
John T. Freisen, CIC, CRMHigginbotham 100005 – AL Huntsville (Fountain Parker Harbarger)AL
Jeff D. Larson, CIC CO
Billie J. Ghent, CICAR
JEFFREY F. AZZATO, CICSt. Marys Insurance Agency, Inc. & AffiliatesPA
Mortimer P. Velez, CIC, CRMOne Allliance Issuarnce Company.PR
Dennis J. Ryan, CICFL
Clarence Ross Turner, CICTurner & Associates Insurance, Inc.SC
Christopher W. Duffy, CICNY
Scott LeMay, CIC, CRMLeMay+Lang. LLCTN
Thomas E. Brown, CIC, CRMBrown Insurance GroupIN
Frances Lillian Jurkovic, CICAlliant Insurance Services, Inc.IL
Corey Douglas Potter, CICEdgewood Partners Insurance CenterIN
Susan L. Sullivan, CIC, CISRNH
John Bennett, CICMerrill LynchVA
Stephen Gray Morgan, CICWV
Anthony Harry Kelley, CICKelley Insurance AgencyWA
Mark Cox, CICAuto-Owners InsuranceCO
Scott W. Gaffner, CIC, CRMMI
Craig Louis Zolezzi, CICOR
Mark A. Urich, CIC, CRMCO
Shannon McGaha Van Allen, CICLinn T. Hodge & SonsCA
Brenda Sue Morrison, CIC, CRMMI
Gerald Marshall Whitaker, CICAcrisure, LLCMI
Shawn K. Young, CIC, CISR NJ
C. Parker Chambers, CIC, CRMTX
Shirley Malzone Barber, CIC, CRMTravelersCT
Joseph M. Markas, CIC FL
Mark R. Taylor, CICAW Anderson AgencyIL
Linda Jean Paulsen, CICBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateMI
Mary Sullivan, CICMA
Christopher E. Branson, CICAcrisure, LLCMI
Julie A. Decker, CICSaginaw Bay Underwriters – Saginaw Washington AveMI
Brian Gardner Foster, CICJohn L. Foster Agency, Inc.VA
David Michael Otterson, CICMN
Jamie L. Costigan, CICArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateFL
Daniel L. Stapp, CICAlliance Insurance GroupIN
Lori R. Cobb, CIC, CSRMLinville Insurance Agency, Inc. – BereaKY
Sandra Escudero, CICLitchfield Special Risks, Inc.TX
Geraldine Randall, CIC, CRMAssuredPartnersFL
Richard J. Randall, CIC, CRMFL
Laura Marie Morrison, CICLAB Agency Inc.MI
Lawrence S. Limonoff, Jr., CICPioneer State Mutual Insurance Co.MI
Carol Chibbaro-Gallant, CICNJ
Cindy Lopez, CICUSI Insurance Services (HQ)TX
Ian R. Greenway, CICLIG Marine Managers, Inc.FL
Colleen Brockway, CICAcadia InsuranceNH
Robert A. Motta, CICNC
John Matthew Sirmans, CIC, CRMArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateGA
Mary Majetich, CIC, CRMUSI Insurance Services (HQ)WY
Mary Catherine Percy, CICISU Insurance Services of Colorado, Inc.CO
Michael Robert Knerr, CICValent GroupAL
Dennis John Phillips, CICUSI Insurance Services (HQ)GA
Jill Rogala, CICBridge Insurance GroupMI
Mary Kaye Cody, CIC, CRMLockton CompaniesMO
Michael D. Macomber, CIC, CRMAdams Insurance AdvisorsTX
Sherman John Weiss, Jr., CICDimond Bros. InsuranceIL
Nancy S. McCoy, CICHuntington InsuranceOH
Wendy S. Volkert, CIC, CRMPeoples Insurance Agency, LLCOH
Daniel Patrick Bowers, CICLeavitt Group Enterprises, Inc.CO
Dennis A. Rhoades, CICBrownrigg Insurance Agency, Inc.TX
Maryann Atnip, CICCrane AgencyIL
Michael L. McGregor, CICWA
Donald E. McKewen, CICCincinnati Financial CorporationIN
Sharon Thompson, CICThompson-English Enterprises, LLCWA
Daniel Zdunski, CICErie Indemnity CompanyTN
Kristine Hill, CIC, CRMArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateCA
Gary T. Ohler, CICNational GeneralIL
Jean E. Houghton, CIC, CPRMThe Norfolk & Dedham GroupMA
Full NameCompanyState
LuAnn S. Wooters, CISRBuilders Mutual Insurance CompanyNC
Terry L. McConekey, CISRHUB International – New EnglandMA
Dean Lynn Gilroy, CIC, CISREdward L. Sanders Insurance Agency, Inc.MD
Lynn M. Hollenbeck, CISRMeadowbrook Insurance AgencyMI
Theresa Falzetti, CIC, CISRKapnick Insurance GroupMI
Bruce D. Bernhold, CIC OH
Martha Ricci, CISRMoody Insurance Agency, Inc.CO
Janett K. Kearbey, CIC, CISRService LloydsTX
Pamela Kaye Mattheyer, CIC, CISR OK
Janet Goehring, CIC, CRM, CISRAssuredPartnersTX
Martha Jo Manske, CIC, CISR TX
Cynthia K. Jackman, CIC, CISRArlington/Roe & Co., Inc.IL
Judy K. Weitzel, CISREdgewater InsuranceNE
Linda Sue Nasuti, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services LLC. – GreensboroNC
Joyce A. Bulger, CISR MA
Mary E. Creed, CISRMesser-Bowers InsuranceMD
Deborah Kay Allum-Berg, CISRParagon Insurance GroupqqqMN
Suzanne A. Duvall, CISR NC
Tina B. Johnson, CIC, CISRMountcastle InsuranceNC
Patti Stone, CIC, CISRUSA Insurance Group LLCNM
Debra C. Ginter, CISRBB&T InsuranceTN
Deborah Fisher, CISR EliteFNIC – Trusted Insurance AdvisorsIL
Auby E. Belcher, CISR AL
Juanice G. Smith, CIC, CISRAnco InsuranceTX
Sheila Pennington Noxon, CIC, CISRWatkins – HeadquartersTX
Barbara Pickett, CIC, CISR CA
Cindy Smits, CISRAcrisure, LLCMI
Sandra K Sunderman, CISRInterWest Insurance Services, LLCCA
Sue V. Peterson, CIC, CISRUSI Insurance Services (HQ)IL
Theresa Ann Bradford, CISRHotchkiss Insurance Agency, LLC – HoustonTX
Bernadette Ankenbrant, CISRSeltzer Group Partners LLCPA
Donna L Aldridge, CIC, CISRBerkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance CompaniesMO
Denise M. Rego, CISRAlera Group, Inc.MA
Pamela C. Burgess, CIC, CISRGarrett Insurance Agency, LLCTX
Judith E. Davern, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionMN
Linda D. Castle, CIC MD
Nancy J. Naylor, CIC, CISR MI
Janice L. Tuttle, CIC, CISR NH
Lori J. Welch, CISRButch Welch Insurance Services, Inc.IA
Mary Jo Gonzalez, CIC, CISRGarry InsurancenterMN
Pamela S. Nuckolls, CISRSutherland Insurance CompanyNC
Lisa R. Isley, CISRHUB International CarolinasNC
Barbara B. Ballard, CISRAnton Insurance Agency, Inc. a Shepherd Insurance PartnerIN
Debra L. MacKnight, CIC, CISRMurray Insurance Associates, Inc.PA
Teri Gayle Wells, CIC, CISR, CSRMFrost Insurance Agency, Inc.- AustinTX
Anne R. Exline, CISRMercerIA
Heather A. Raugh, CISRThe Loomis CompanyPA
Stephanie M. Copinger, CIC, CISRCBIZ, Inc.MD
Sharon Kay Belliel, CIC, CISRTrueNorth CompaniesMI
Lori Easterla, CISRLee Agency Inc.IA
Judy Kay Garrett, CISRAllstate Insurance CompanyNC
Angela S. Shively, CIC, CISRHSH InsuranceVA
Pauline G. Fairburn, CISRRobinson & Stith InsuranceNC
Stephanie M. Colvin, CISRBuiltwell Insurance Agency Inc.TN
Linda Holland, CISR NC
Wanda Bunn, CIC, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services LLC. – GreensboroNC
Leslie L. Large, CISRRich & Cartmill Insurance AgencyOK
Marie McCorkell, CISR EliteMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionMN
Christina Huffman Lail, CISRTwin City InsuranceNC
Anita Hayden Rogers, CISRInsurance Management Consultants, Inc.NC
Liana Allyson Williams, CISRWillis Towers Watson (North America HQ- Retail)AL
Christine Altgelt Haynes, CIC, CISR TX
Nancy D. Melbourne, CIC, CISRKimball-Cooke, Inc.MA
Robina D. Neighbors, CIC, CISRArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateIL
Lisa Anderson, CISR Elite MA
Anthony P. Nader, CISRAsurionFL
Debra L. Spanley, CISRArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateMO
Linda M. Hurst, CISR AZ
Marc A. Lane, CIC, CISRCushman InsuranceMA
Rodney Seth Demaree, CISRAssuredPartnersMO
Barbara Gayle Murray, CISR MO
Susan E. Scharr, CISRHUB International Limited – ChicagoPA
Connie McMahen, CISR TX
Mary Joann Steinman, CISR EliteHigginbotham 90 D001 – TX Fort Worth (Higginbotham Corporate)TX
Beverly Cloninger Rapp, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services LLC. – GreensboroNC
Lisa S. Scott, CISR EliteMcLeod Insurance Agency LLCNC
Kandis R. Kehler, CISRPurdy Insurance Agency, Inc.PA
Janice A. Adams, CISRCitizens Insurance Agency,LLCKY
James Franklin Cook, CIC, CISRMeyer & CookCA
Heather L. Hanna, CIC, CISRFortress PartnersMI
Bonnie M. Hane, CISRMaguire AgencyMN
Kathy Anne Busse, CISRMaverick Risk PartnersMN
Kimberly Kunkel, CISR MN
Judith A. Wicklein, CISRHorizon Agency, Inc.FL
Wendy M. Schmid, CIC, CRM, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionMN
Dianne B. Sullivan, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services, LLC – Charlotte (HQ)NC
Nancy Sue Aeschliman, CIC, CISRHUB International Limited – CaliforniaCA
Karen Sokolove Hamilton, CIC, CISRWatson Insurance AgencyNC
Lisa M. Lubey, CISR MD
Lori A. Baker, CIC, CISRStrickler Agency, Inc.PA
Michelle L. Robinson, CISRBlue Ridge Risk PartnersPA
Brenda L. Swaltek, CIC, CISRShoemaker & Besser AssociatesPA
Allisa M. Wilhelmus, CISRShepherd InsuranceKY
Michelle Javinar, CISRReSource Pro – Lincoln, NECA
Nancy J. Zinni, CISRWillis Towers Watson (North America HQ- Retail)PA
Michele L. Edwards, CIC, CISRBerkshire Ins GroupMA
Kirsten A. James, CISRAcrisure, LLCCA
Liza Shrout, CIC, CISR TX
Penny P. Watts, CIC, CISRMountcastle InsuranceNC
Alisha Seal, CIC, CISR AL
Kandi Lyn Koltz, CIC, CISRThe Hess AgencyPA
Lori Platt, CIC, CRM, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency – CorporateTX
Natalie R Howeson, CISRInterWest Insurance Services, LLCCA
Anita M. Munno, CISRDay, Deadrick & Marshall InsuranceMD
Michelle R. Black, CISR PA
Jana Sue Kostantewicz, CIC, CISRMarsh & McLennan Agency, LLCTX
Lisa Marie Daggett, CISR Elite MA
Kelly C. Bailey, CIC, CISRAmerisafeLA
Joan M. Watson, CISRLovitt-ToucheAZ
John Edwin Peakes, CISRJohn E. Peakes Insurance Agency, Inc.CA
Diana L. Teel, CIC, CISRBrosky Insurance Agency, Inc.PA
Terry Ann Fugate, CISRUSI Insurance Services (HQ)KY
Brian M. Kilcoyne, CIC, CISR MA
Donna J. Zauner, CIC, CISRVTC Insurance Group – Troy (HQ)MI
Peggy A. Thomaston, CIC, CISR AL
Patricia Daly, CISRErie Indemnity CompanyPA
Gerry Springer, CISRHM RiskMO
Tami M. Howarter, CISRAdvance Insurance CompanyMN
Lisa Marlene Leone, CIC, CISREdward L. Sanders Insurance Agency, Inc.MD
Linda Krell, CISRSeibertKeck Insurance PartnersOH
Donna Woods, CISRRetired 2023MD
Angela Cash, CISR TX
Kerry Lynn Buehler, CIC, CRM, CISR, CSRMHub InternationalNM
Bonnie Lindstrom, CISRAlliant Insurance ServicesIL
Irene Berry, CISRDaniel & HenryMO
Linda C. Morgan, CISRCrane AgencyMO
Dawn M. Perry, CIC, CISRCline Wood Agency Inc.KS
Barbara R. Jensen, CISRHUB International Limited – ChicagoPA
Anita Dee Alfson, CIC, CISRAssuredPartnersAZ
Laura A. Crosby, CISRTrueNorth CompaniesIA
Tammy Shelton, CISR EliteHediger & Meyers InsuranceIL
Nancy L. Bissonnette, CISR VT
Gail L. Sullivan, CIC, CISRFlood and Peterson – GreeleyCO
Kimberly A. Cloutier, CISRWebber & Grinnell InsuranceMA
Carol E. Haylett, CISRAnderson Insurance GroupPA
Sarah Greer Johnson, CISRArlington/RoeKY
Karen DeWitt, CIC, CISR AZ
Anne Kacmarynski, CIC, CISRCobb Strecker Dunphy & ZimmermanMN
Toni L. Atkinson, CIC, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Southeast RegionGA
Pamela B. Vacca, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Southeast RegionAL
Tamara G. Copeland, CIC, CRM, CISRCherokee NationOK
Susan R. Mitchell, CIC, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Southeast RegionAL
Susan L. Sullivan, CIC, CISR NH
Roxy Jean Brown, CISR EliteMaguire AgencyMN
Jill C. Lesko, CISREasley Hedrick / Hilb GroupMA
Christine M. Wilkinson, CIC, CRM, CISRBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateWI
Mary E. Brown, CIC, CISRTRICOR InsuranceWI
Diana L. Huff, CISR IA
Marianne Dziuban, CIC, CISRCNAMI
E. Dyan Dyan Kriener, CIC, CISR IA
Nancy Adelaide Chickadel, CIC, CISRBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateDE
Cheryl L. Corey, CISR MA
Tracey Anne Devenport, CIC, CISRAndreini and CompanyCA
Martha V. Stewart, CISRInsurance Service of AshevilleNC
Kathy M. Morse, CISR NE
Linda Marie Wallin, CIC, CRM, CISRGreat Lakes InsurancePA
Wescoat E. Free, CIC, CISR AL
Edward P. Hackett, CIC, CRM, CPRM, CISRJJ InsuranceMA
Heather J. Zellers, CIC, CRM, CISRGoodville Mutual Casualty CoPA
Lanita Goodwin, CISR EliteArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateMD
Vicki Lynn Thomasson, CISRSeneca Insurance CompanyKY
David W. Peixotto, CIC, CISR OK
Diane E Quackenbush, CISRInterWest Insurance Services, LLCCA
Nancy Bartelt, CIC, CISRBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateWI
Paula J. Merollis, CIC, CISRChubb InsuranceMI
Joanne M. Roulo, CIC, CISRAitken & OrmondMI
Kimberly L. Book, CISRBHS InsuranceMI
Susan E. Stone-Janczewski, CIC, CISRState Automobile Mutual Insurance CompaniesIL
Victoria S. Kelleher, CISRRich & Cartmill Insurance AgencyKS
Sandra D. Bell, CIC, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionMO
Judith Lynn Hall, CISRFBInsureMA
Jessica Chavez, CIC, CISRWeaver & AssociatesCA
Katie L Conley, CIC, CISRRich & Cartmill Insurance AgencyOK
Terry L. Hefner, CISRColumbia Insurance GroupKS
Lisa Chitwood, CIC, CISRSECURA Insurance CompaniesWI
Patti Anne Zuk, CIC, CRM, CISREdgewood Partners Insurance CenterMI
Heather Marie Dalton, CIC, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Upper Midwest RegionMI
Barbara Warcola, CIC, CISRRichard B. Ryon InsurancePA
Susan E. Wilgus-Murphy, CIC, CISR MD
Frances Hernandez, CIC, CISR TX
Christina Mary Kessler, CIC, CISRLutheran Trust – Church Asset ManagementMO
Christina M. Sweet, CIC, CISR MO
Bradley R. Lagestee, CIC, CPRM, CISRSandridge Insurance GroupIN
Doris Ortega, CIC, CISRLakeview InsuranceIL
Sharon Annette McLaughlin, CIC, CRM, CISRArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateTX
Angela J. Terlecki, CIC, CRM, CISRLebaron CarrollAZ
Rose M. Mieras, CIC, CISRAcrisure, LLCMI
Diane M. Rothfuss, CISRFlood and Peterson – GreeleyCO
Dawn M. Fisher, CISRThe Craft Agency, Inc.MI
Carolyn F. Cunkle, CISR MI
Margaret Miera, CISRThe Auto Club GroupCO
Cheryl Wallace, CIC, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services, LLC – BirminghamAL
Sonja Synnestvedt, CIC, CRM, CISRNoneIL
Renee L. Marshall, CIC, CISRValentine InsuranceIL
Lisa A. Heffley, CISRArlington/RoeIL
Karen Mae Cyrocki, CIC, CISRThe Craft Agency, Inc.MI
Debra S. Mc Gough-Tooker, CISRArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateIL
Peggy Ann Maschke, CIC, CISRSaginaw Bay Underwriters – Saginaw Washington AveMI
Stephanie C. Proctor, CIC, CISRVertafore Inc.NC
Melissa Ann Stevens, CISROGAOK
John Lee Streng, CISRZurich American Insurance CompanyMA
Michelle L. Schulz, CISRArthur J. Gallagher & Co. – CorporateOH
Michelle L. Olson, CIC, CISRCincinnati Financial CorporationMN
Elaine Marsha Dunn, CIC, CISR OH
Victoria Lyn Kuecher, CISRSeibertKeck Insurance PartnersOH
Patricia A. Jacques, CIC, CISRNortheast-MetroWest Insurance AgencyMA
Cheryl A. Wardell, CISRAAA Club AllianceOH
Michele A. Marino, CISRColdbrook Insurance GroupMI
Joanne Elizabeth Nanninga, CISRBHS InsuranceMI
Toni L. Pennington, CISRKirgis Insurance AgencyMI
Bretworth B. Apthorp, CISRRogersGrayMA
Jennifer L. DuVall, CISRAcrisure, LLCMI
Jill Ann Stagliano, CIC, CISR MI
Kathleen Cieslak, CISR MI
Suzanne M. Jacobs, CIC, CISRSecurity First Insurance AgencyMI
Kristina M. Nine, CIC, CISRIott Insurance AgencyMI
Mary Strass, CISREuclid Program ManagersIL
Cindy Langston, CISRPhelan Insurance Agency, Inc.OH
Diane J. Crean, CIC, CISRFoley Palenscar SchortmannMA
Karin M. Woodard, CIC, CISRMarsh McLennan Agency- Midwest RegionTN
Jean E. Mabry, CIC, CISRRiskSOURCE Clark-ThedersOH
Nancy S. Tarini, CIC, CISRHylant Group, Inc.OH
Kathy R. Whitten, CISRState Automobile Mutual Insurance CompaniesOH
Tanya L. Shaud, CISRMcGriff Insurance Services, LLC – PennsylvaniaPA
Judy K. Quarters, CIC, CISR MI
Peggy L. Elson, CISR MI
Michele A. Filous, CISRThe Buren Insurance GroupOH
Christine M. Perney, CIC, CISRCarpenter Insurance AgencyOH
Phyllis Knape, CIC, CRM, CISRRetied from Goodville Mutual Casualty CompanyOH
Stacey Siciliano, CIC, CISRSeibertKeck Insurance PartnersOH
Betsy L. Calame, CISRSeibertKeck Insurance PartnersOH
Cheryl R. Henriksen, CISR Elite AZ
Christine Neuhoff, CIC, CISR MI
Sharon M. Warner, CISRCox insuranceOH
Kristin Marie Gray, CIC, CRM, CISR AZ
Dennis P. McMichael, CIC, CISRMcMichael Insurance AgencyOH
Sherry Lynn Maynard, CISR OH
Robin D. Lowery, CISRFoundation Risk Partners Corp dba Insurance Office of Central OhioOH
Mary E. Manson, CIC, CISRStapleton Insurance GroupOH
Anne M. Broughton, CIC, CISR MI
Verna K. Blanchard, CISRPaul Littman Agency, IncMI
Karen A. Ryan, CISRBrown & Brown, Inc. – CorporateIL
Christine A. Wolinski, CIC, CISRWTW (Willis Towers Watson Insurance Services West, Inc.)AZ
Pamela D. Sutton, CISR MI
Gail Lepping, CISRAcrisure, LLCMI
Jeanne Louise Kovach, CIC, CPRM, CISRMarshIL
Sandra K. Newkirk, CISR OH
Tanya L. Stover, CISR OH
Sandra A. Dobbins, CIC, CISRHylant Group, Inc.OH

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