Environmental liabilities may occur less often than workers compensation or auto accidents, but when they do, they can be catastrophic.

Environmental Claims are on the rise.
Being unprepared for such exposures can lead to financial ruin and even make management directly liable for the consequences.
Can you ensure commercial clients are protected?
Today’s most successful businesses are managing environmental risks and changing the way they operate – and by being proactive they are seizing the competitive advantage.

Featured on Nat Alliance NOW Podcast!
Environmental litigation-based business models are often expensive and time-consuming – and they rarely bring about desirable outcomes for the parties involved. As a result, today’s most successful businesses manage environmental risks and change the way they operate. We’re joined by two of the CeS curriculum developers—Chris Bunbury, eS, and Beth Benhart. Tune in to learn what’s in the program, who it’s for, and how to get started!

Environmental Strategist
Self-Paced Course
CE Approved in 49 states (Puerto Rico & New York Pending).
What You Will Learn:
Develop environmental awareness and understand how to help businesses manage and transfer their environmental exposures.
Environmental liability insurance general discussion and product review.
How to leverage the ability to negotiate the broadest environmental coverage at the most competitive premium.
Analysis of environmental issues and regulations that affect businesses, the latest emerging issues, and how businesses are impacted by environmental liabilities.
(Key resource) Competitive environmental intelligence that helps Environmental Strategists coach businesses on managing and transferring environmental exposures

Ensure Clients Have An Environmental Financial Assurance Strategy
Many businesses ask for the wrong pollution and financial assurance coverage. Insurance professionals can help navigate that. The eS course includes an environmental insurance submission checklist, a training manual, a step-by-step plan for how to develop and execute an environmental management strategy, and a comprehensive environmental efficiency evaluation survey.

Upon completion of this course, participants receive:
Full Access to the Environmental Strategist website.
Coaching Webinars and Live Seminars.
Membership to the eS Collaboration Portal and online community.
CE Approved in 49 States, Pending in Puerto Rico & New York

Chris Bunbury, eS
Chris Bunbury is an Environmental Strategist and President of Environmental Strategist, Inc. (ESI), located in LeLand, Michigan. He graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources. In 1988, he worked in the commercial property and casualty insurance industry as a retail commercial insurance producer. As the environmental insurance industry evolved, it was a natural transition for Chris to move into this evolving field.

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